Hulls reconsiders Jail Hoser!!!!!
30 January 2002
"Dear Geoff Eames, you should have jailed Raymond Hoser, seized all his assets and had him bankrupted for telling the truth" - Rob Hulls.
Well we have actually paraphrased the above, so it's not an accurate quote from Rob Hulls. But it may as well be. You see based on the comments of his media hench people and perhaps more importantly the text of a collection of documents served on us on 21 January this year (2002), which can be viewed from this link the above is totally accurate.
On this day (21 Jan 2002), the VGS as agents for Victoria's Attorney General, the Dishonourable Robert Justin Hulls, served on us a collection of documents seeking to cross-appeal the defective judgement and sentence of Supreme Court Judge, Geoffrey Eames.
Recall Eames made history when he sentenced Australia's leading corruption author, Raymond Hoser to a fine totaling an estimated $35,000 for publishing the truth about corruption in the judiciary in his best-selling Victoria Police Corruption books.
The sentence was meant to be the knock-out blow that not only stopped Raymond Hoser from ever publishing details about corruption in high places again, but also to deter any other like-minded whistleblowers.
However upon reflection, it seems that the Hulls side has decided that maybe jailing Hoser, seizing his assets and sending him and his family broke is really the only viable option to stop this whistleblowing juggernaught.
And so, the VGS have served "cross appeal" documents against the Hoser side.
Hoser made it clear that he was appealing the defective Eames judgement at the time it was handed down on 29 November 2001.
In due course he served the relevant documents on the Hulls side and the Supreme Court. That was in mid December 2001.
Of course had Hoser been a second or more late in serving his documents, his rights to an appeal would have been knocked out forever.
This has happened in the past to both Hoser and countless other litigants who have been pitted against the legal might of the taxpayer funded State Government.
So it came as a bit of a rude shock when on 21 January this year, the VGS sent one of their henchmen to 488 Park Road, Park Orchards, Victoria to serve on the Hoser family notice that they intended cross-appealing the Eames judgement.
The notice was handed to Hoser's wife, Shireen, as Hoser himself was busy in Sydney delivering 1,100 books to a major book distribution company, not that where Hoser was made any real difference, as by law the VGS only needed to serve it on Hoser's residence and/or place of business, which they did.
However the expiry date for the right to cross appeal was 18 January 2002, and that's the major difficulty with what the CGS have done!
Now if the legal system has any balance and impartiality, you'd expect the Supreme Court to disallow the Hulls side the right to cross appeal the Eames judgement because they are out of time.
Now we were right when we told our barristers that we'd lose the unlosable case, because of the inherent inability of a sizeable chunk of the legal system to either find the truth, even when thrust in front of them, or to enforce the laws they are meant to.
But let's see if our instincts are right this time, and if the courts improperly allow the VGS to run with their cross-appeal, even though they are out of time.
The cross-appeal documents also come out with some other pearlers.
The VGS side is now trying to deny the existence of the Bingley tape where he admits to paying off magistrate Hugh Adams in 1988.
Just to allay any doubts as to the existence of this tape, we've decided to plonk the whole thing on the www so that anyone, including perhaps Eames himself and the VGS can download and listen to it as an MP3 file.
It may also help highlight the falsity of some of the other bizarre inferences Eames drew in relation to the tape in his defective judgement.
Now this is not to be taken as an attack on Eames motives in this instance. While he got his facts wrong, this alone is not a hanging offence, although it does show that if Eames is not corrupt, he clearly lacks competence when it comes to establishing fact and truth.
Go to:
to hear the Bingley confession tape.
Now just to show we are hiding nothing, we've also made available all the other relevant tapes and transcripts from that fateful 1988 court hearing available, including the falsified Bingley record of interview on 7 March 1988, the Bingley tape itself of December 1988 and the entire 15 sides of tape from the Hugh Adams trial as openly recorded under Adams' own direction (thereby rebutting that other crazy Eames assertion, to the effect that a Mr. Burke was a rent-a-witness in the case - when in reality he had nothing to do with it).
Oh and we've also made available to the public the recording of the successful appeal of the wrongful Adams judgement that was heard about a year or so later in front of Judge Mervyn Kimm.
Now all this material has been accurately summarized in The Hoser Files for some years (since 1995) and the raw transcripts have been sitting on the www at:
since mid 1999. But we thought that the tapes would be useful to allay the doubts of anyone who believes any of the tripe printed in the Eames judgement or elsewhere.
Because of the size of the MP3 files (as listed above) we will burn them onto a CD-Rom, complete with the relevant case transcripts and the like (as identified above), to anyone who wants them, provided they send us a cheque or money order for $50 Australian which covers the cost of burning and posting the CD-rom and related incidental expenses. We are not making a profit out of this exercise and are only doing it as a further benefit for those who wish to study corruption in the police and legal systems and seek indelible proof that such goes on and/or excellent proven examples of same.
Because all this material is already on "masters" having been converted to mp3 files already, we can supply the CD's as fast as the postal and e-mail systems allow and this is usually within 24 days to anywhere on planet Earth.
Meanwhile we should also mention the Hulls side has been put on notice that we do not regard it as appropriate that they be allowed an automatic right of cross-appeal, bearing in mind the fact that they do not appear to have any reasonable excuse for being late and that letter has also been posted on the www on the relevant link below. Oh and that's before we even begin to look at some of the patently ridiculous statements peddled within the VGS's cross appeal documents!
VGS Seek to cross-appeal Eames judgement - out of time!

VGS Cross Appeal documents (Written) as MS Word File.

VGS Cross Appeal documents as Adobe Acrobat File.

Hoser's reply to the VGS's Cross Appeal documents (Written) as MS Word File.

Hoser's reply to the VGS's Cross Appeal documents as Adobe Acrobat File.

Sentence - final - Summary.

Sentence - final - (Written) as MS Word File.

Sentence - final - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Sentencing submissions - summary.

Sentencing submissions - (Written) as MS Word File.

Sentencing submissions - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Judgement - Guilty Verdict - appeal likely.

Judgement - (Written) as MS Word File.

Judgement - (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Judgement IN COURT - (Written) as MS Word File.

Judgement - IN COURT (Written) as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Five of Case - Summary.

Day Five of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day Five of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Four of Case - Summary.

Day Four of Case - Transcript as MS Word File (PM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File (PM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as MS Word File (AM only).

Day Four of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File (AM only).

Day Three of Case - Summary.

Day Three of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.
Day Three of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day Two of Case - Summary.

Day Two of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day Two of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

Day One of Case - Summary.

Day One of Case - Transcript as MS Word File.

Day One of Case - Transcript as Adobe Acrobat File.

List of relevant legal precedents.

List of relevant legal precedents.

Defence summary for Raymond Hoser - as prepared by his lawyers.

Defence summary for Raymond Hoser - as prepared by his lawyers.

"No Case" summary for Raymond Hoser against Hulls et. al. - as prepared by his lawyers.

"No Case" summary for Raymond Hoser against Hulls et. al. - as prepared by his lawyers.

Victorian Government/Rob Hulls set to jail Hoser for telling the truth!

Melbourne media contacts - list and details.

Full Transcript of Free Speech Case and other tendered documents (449 pages in total) - as MS Word File. (1.75 mb)

Full Transcript of Free Speech Case and other tendered documents (449 pages in total) - as Adobe Acrobat File. (1 mb)