kids birthday parties SNAKEBUSTERS®KIDS REPTILE PARTIES Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
What makes a snakebusters kids party better than other advertised "kids reptile parties" in Melbourne? Several things including: Kids birthday parties in Melbourne with the most "hands on" Kids reptile parties in Melbourne with the most expertise
The only kids birthday parties in Melbourne with the world's Deadliest Snakes (Devenomized) - Zero Risk! (see below) Melbourne's kids birthday parties with the most reptiles Melbourne's kids reptile parties with the best education Melbourne's kids reptile birthday party with the best "extras" The Melbourne kids birthday party that's always the most fun! or, (see the link for all shows and parties), but the main thing that people notice is that our kids birthday parties with reptiles are "full-on - hands-on" as in usually everyone holds pretty much everything - AND - without waiting. Lots more critters at a time at our totally interactive kids birthday parties and kids can hang onto their reptiles rather than handing them on, because we bring enough for everyone to hold at the same time! We bring dozens of critters! No other reptile party in Melbourne comes close! At our reptile parties, every kid is special and every kid gets to hold everything, not just a lucky one or two as seen elsewhere. Deadly snakes that don't bite (another Snakebusters exclusive in Melbourne), harmless snakes, monster pythons, lizards, crocodiles, tortoises, frogs, a birthday gift that isn't junk, etc ... we bring the lot to our parties!
Pricing is usually $260 per kids party (Melbourne metro, 2009). And with Snakebusters you get the extra's without paying extra!
Snakebusters are alone in Melbourne in not quoting surcharges for Crocodiles, no more dollars to bring the deadly snakes, not quoting extra for extra children above some miniscule number (no limit on kids at our parties!) and free invitations (see links here).
To book Snakebusters at your kids party ... It is best to phone us (day or evenings are OK), rather than send an e-mail. We don't get all e-mails sent and don't necessarily respond to them straight away. More importantly, as Melbourne's most sought after kid's birthday parties and wildlife demonstrators, we are always heavily booked, so it is best to book Snakebusters before sending out your party invitations and the like.
Further details: Phone in Melbourne, Victoria (03) 9812 3322 or mobile - (within Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) 0412 777 211.
Kids birthday parties with reptiles Frequently asked questions (or questions worth asking if shopping around for kids reptile parties or hands on reptile display in Melbourne).
Click here to download Snakebusters birthday party invitations.
Return to the Snakebusters main website entry for school incursions, events, shopping malls, adults parties, corporate training and events, consulting, snake catching, scientific research and publications, film, TV, etc.
