Foreword by Graeme Campbell. ix
Media suppression of public knowledge of Police corruption in Victoria. xiii
Some key dates - An abridged chronology. xix
The players. 1
1 Hiding the truth. 17
2 Police protected criminals, child molestors, etc. 21
4 April Fool's Day - Victoria Police style. 77
5 Another crimes compensation scandal. 87
6 How low can they go? 101
7 Forgeries, forgeries, forgeries. 127
8 No cops on the streets. 167
9 The 'B' list. 177
10 The scandal at the Legal Aid Commission. 197
11 A Policeman's magistrate. 205
12 Find the perjury please? 213
13 A belated extortion bid. 247
14 A warning of what was coming. 253
15 A hotbed of corruption. 259
16 Another can of worms. 263
17 The 20 counts of perjury. 319
18 Strip search 13. 331
19 The parade of perjuring Police. 345
20 The other forgery used by Vicroads. 359
21 Tapes doctored, a woman bashed. 363
22 'Operation Raymond Hoser' - Victoria Police. 385
23 Censoring Hoser's tapes. 391
24 The goings on outside the courtroom. 405
25 'Operation Raymond Hoser' again. 411
26 Lies, lies and more lies. 431
27 The Supreme Court: More concealing the truth. 461
28 Pentridge Prison: ... where time stops still. 471
29 Another of Neesham's casualties. 487
30 The forged fax: Was it a dummy run? 497
31 More rackets involving the Legal Aid Commission. 505
32 Knobbled juries: When truth is the casualty. 511
33 The inside ... Jail. 523
34 The bad side ... Jail. 547
35 The escapes. 563
36 Want shares? - Buy prison stocks. 573
37 Lower than low. 591
38 The battle of Pentridge. 617
39 Crime - who you are determines the penalty. 653
40 Justice at work - or not? 667
41 Protection of pedophiles? 679
42 Revelations from the other side. 687
43 More revelations from the other side. 693
44 Even more revelations from the other side. 717
Police Corruption - Media Suppression of the facts.
Police - How a Corruption Whistleblower Was Jailed on Falsified Charges.
Police - Charges Falsified - Police Violence, Perjury, etc, (A Routine
in the Victorian Police and other high places - Protection of known child
Victorian Government/Police Corruption - Taxi Industry - Who Murdered Peter
Corrupt Officials in The National Crime Authority Run the illegal Australian
Trade in Narcotics.
beats Three Defamation Writs - Internet Censorship (1).
Censorship (2) - by Victorian Government Politician, State Ombudsman's
Office and others.
Censorship and misinformation (lies) - Melbourne, Australia.
National Parks and Wildlife Service - Further Corruption.
Censorship (3) Sites wiped in the United States by Corrupt Australian Bureaucrat.
Statement (Hansard) for the books Victoria Police Corruption and
Victoria Police Corruption - 2
price you pay for blowing the lid on corruption - a chronology
Note: Further corruption sites are regularly added to this server, so it is advised that you bookmark it and return here regularly.
Scientific Papers on Reptiles, Links to Other Reptile and Wildlife Sites on the server.