Snakebusters, Snakeman,, Kotabi Books and associated entities websites

Linking to Our Websites

Because our businesses are involved in the publication of and dissemination of factual information, we encourage and welcome links to our sites in accordance with the following terms and conditions.

You may create a link to the front page of a website, for example, or, and you are also allowed to “deep-link” as well (to a potentially more relevant webpage), e.g.

You must not create the link or use it in any way to represent or imply falsely, deceptively or confusingly that:

we sponsor, endorse or are affiliated with or related to any third party (including you) or product; or you are providing, or are the source of, any goods or services provided by us.

You or your agents must not use our trademarks, or deceptively similar words and phrases (like "hands on reptiles", "snake man" or similar) to link to sites other than our own, including via so-called "backlinks" to other sites for the purposes of usurping our position on search engines results. Such action is illegal under fair trade and trademark laws and we may action transgressors without warning. We reserve all rights.

You use and link to one of our sites at your own risk. Except to the extent that any law imposes liability on us which cannot be excluded, we will not be liable for any loss or damage from any cause (including negligence) to your website and system, or to people linking to us from your website(s), caused by or in connection with a link to one of our websites. Any such loss or damage will be your responsibility.

Your website, and any material on it, must conform to accepted standards of public decency and good taste and most importantly contain information within that is factually correct, accurate and does not in any way misrepresent, either by context, omission of relevant facts or similar. It must not expose us to any risk of liability under any criminal or civil law, or liability arising from the infringement of a third party's rights. Neither you nor the material on your website may disparage us or our goods or services in any way, or in any potential way.

You agree to indemnify us and keep us indemnified against all actions, claims, costs, demands, damages or liability arising in any manner from a breach by you of these terms and conditions:

Your website must not frame a webpage of any of our sites, and when a link to one of our websites created in accordance with the above is clicked by a user:

The front page of the relevant Website must be shown in full without distortion; and the URL of the page of the relevant Website (e.g. or must be displayed in the address bar of the user's web browser.

This website's legal statement (return to it here):
and authorised mirror sites.

Snakebusters - Australia's Best reptiles ... Bookings terms and conditions at:

and authorised mirror sites.

Snakebusters - Australia's Best reptiles ... Terms and conditions for reptile call-outs at:

and authorised mirror sites.

This statement is posted on and authorised mirror sites.

Snakebusters reptile and snake shows Melbourne