NSW Police try to stop sales of Taxi
27 November 2000.
Following (unlawful) legal threats (letters) from the NSW Police in 2003 this webpage has been altered to have the name of a person known as KX-8 removed.
However this information remains available - uncensored in the books Taxi:Indecent Exposures and Victoria Police Corruption as published and still available for sale (also see end of the release below).
The NSW Police claim that since the Wood Royal Commission
they have been squeaky clean.
That illusion was well and truly shattered this month when the NSW Police
tried to stop sales of the newly released best-seller Taxi – Indecent
The book and it's sequel, Taxi-2 ruffled the feathers of senior
Police by having letters from NSW cabbies complaining of unlawful harassment
by NSW Police officers.
Afraid that this truth may undo some of the PR work being done by the Police's
own media spin doctors the department called in their lawyers to see how
they could ban the book.
In a dramatic turn of events the NSW Police Integrity Commission (PIC)
has written to publisher, Kotabi telling them that they may be in contempt
of the NSW Police Royal Commission for blowing the cover of a witness,
This might have been serious were it not for the fact that it was the Royal
Commission itself that improperly blew the lady's cover on the very day
she gave evidence before the Royal Commission.
This is confirmed by the commission's own official transcript and material
long on the public record, including that identified in the NSW Parliament
Hansard of 1 July 1999 and the book Victoria Police Corruption,
itself sold in the thousands since 2 August 1999.
(NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE) herself even approached the Sydney papers and had her photo taken
by them in a bid to highlight the corruption ad dishonesty of some people
working for the Royal Commission.
As a Royal Commission witness, (NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE) sought protection from Pandelis Karapis,
otherwise known as "Fat George". She was told that her evidence
to the commission would be "In Camera" and that "Fat George"
would not be aware of it.
She was lied to by Commission staff. In actual fact, she gave evidence
in an open hearing and the target of her evidence, "Fat George",
sat in the public gallery and watched her give her evidence. When (NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE)
saw "Fat George" seated in the gallery, she became distressed
and sought to retract the evidence – because she'd been lied to by Commission
staff. However she was told that if she did, then she'd be charged with
perjury. For her it was a "no-win" situation.
(NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE) herself sought to do the foreword to the book Taxi and then
wrote it. She has made it clear that she wants to book sold everywhere,
including in NSW.
This week she said "The NSW Police are only trying to suppress the
book because the don't want people to know about their continuing corruption
and the fact that the Royal Commission wasn't as Kosher as they said it
She further said "The PIC's alleged and belated concern for my welfare
is a lie and they know it. If they really cared, then they'd pay me compensation
for the agony I've already had to endure and not try to victimize a small
publishing company, whose only crime is to tell the truth".
In a bid to get to the bottom of the matter, Kotabi's Lawyer Alex Tees
contacted the PIC for an explanation.
However no one at the PIC seemed to know about the letter sent to Kotabi
or what, if anything, they intended doing in relation to the taxi book's
sales from here on and/or in relation to reversing any alleged orders suppressing
the publication of (NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE)'s details in NSW.
Kotabi has also written to the PIC directly seeking an explanation and
may, if necessary have the matter raised in parliament or the media.
This release is published at:
For futher details phone: (within Australia): 0412 777 211
For the threatening letter from the PIC go to:
(NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE) betrayed by NSW Police Royal Commision - From the book - Victoria Police Corruption (1) - go to:
(NAME DELETED DUE TO THREATS BY NSW POLICE)'s foreword in the book Taxi:Indecent Exposures go to:
For the Hoser letter to a NSW Parliamentarian re the PIC's threats go to:
Endnote: We received a legal threat (actually two) from the NSW PIC in late 2003 in relation to the naming of KX-8 on this webpage and others on the "Smuggled.com" server. Legal advice showed we were legally allowed to print this information and that threats by the NSW Police to jail Raymond Hoser for doing so were illegal. However as KX-8's identity is generally known and in the books "Victoria Police Corruption" and "Taxi:Indecent Exposures", it was decided to bypass a time-wasting legal battle and hence this person's name has been removed from this webpage.