As one of the world's leading herpetologists (professional reptile botherer) and keepers, Raymond Hoser is in constant demand to lecture to people about snake keeping and the like.
Reptile keeping courses cover the basics of reptile care and along with the "Hoser Wildlife Collection CD-rom" will prepare novices with what they know to successfully keep most species of reptile.
The course covers the basics, including the following:

Legal requirements
Obtaining reptile/s
Planning a collection
Essential requirements of all reptiles
Record keeping
Other matters of importance

These courses include the latest and state-of-the-art methods of reptile keeping and management to prepare participants for the highest levels of success in breeding or whatever they aim for in terms of reptile keeping.
For example, the CD-rom includes the most recent papers on the previously unknown Reovirus responsible for killing large numbers of captive snakes in Australia and the recently developed means of successful treatment of affected snakes.
Courses are tailored to suit the level of expertise of those involved and pricing also varies according to factors such as location, number of people attending, and so on.
At the conclusion of the course a statement of completion (certificate) is given to those who have attended.
Phone (Australia) 0412 777 211 for details or to make further inquiries.

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Snakebusters booking and contact page.

Non-urgent email inquiries via our bookings page at:

Bookings and urgent inquiries please phone:
(Melbourne, Victoria, Australia):
(03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211

The best kids party is a Snakebusters kids party!Snakes Melbourne, Reptiles Melbourne, Snake Busters are reptile experts. Copyright Snakebusters.
All rights reserved.
Snakebusters is a registered trademark in several categories and jurisdictions, including specifically for snakes in Melbourne, Melbourne reptiles, snake and lizard events, crocodiles in Melbourne, deadly snakes in Melbourne, reptile keeping in Melbourne and Victoria. Unauthorised use, misuse, dilution or other activities relating to the trademarks is prohibited, including in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia or anywhere else where we exercise trademark rights and intellectual property rights.This includes for:
snakes Melbourne, Melbourne reptiles, snake and lizard events in Melbourne Victoria, pet reptiles Melbourne, reptiles as pets, deadly snakes in Melbourne, reptile keeping Melbourne Victoria, reptile keeping courses Victoria, reptile keeping courses Melbourne

The best kid's party is a Snakebusters kids party!