best taxi photos - for sale.
Below are just some examples from our vast archives
All are available as BW or colour photos, hi res. in any common format.
The first word is the file name after the hyphen is the correct caption.
Unless otherwise stated all photos are by Raymond Hoser.
ACTCab4 Canberra Taxis at Canberra Airport In line - daytime
AdTax2 Adelaide City taxi rank daytime cabs in line
AlaBry2 Alan "NAME SUPPRESSED" (Broken nose)
AlaBry4 Alan "NAME SUPPRESSED" circa 1986
Alberto2 Alberto Melbourne cabbie next to his cab
BanTax10 Bangkok Taxi (motorised 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BanTax12 Bangkok Taxi (motorised 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BanTax2 Bangkok Taxi (peddle-powered 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BanTax4 Bangkok Taxi (peddle-powered 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BanTax6 Bangkok Taxi (Car in city) (Photographer not known)
BanTax8 Bangkok Taxi (peddle-powered 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BanTax9 Bangkok Taxi (motorised 3-wheeler) (Photographer not known)
BenCog2 Ben Cogan (Sydney cabbie)
BicCab2 Bicentenary Taxi Sydney in 1988
BikCab2 Melbourne tourist taxi (peddle-powered 3-wheeler)
BikCop2 Melbourne motorcycle Policeman
BikCop4 Sydney motorcycle Policeman
BobDel2 Mick Delamo (Melbourne cabbie)
BriCab1 Brisbane Taxi (Edward Street area at night) Colour photo (Photo by Sharon Menzies)
BriCab4 - Brisbane Taxi (Edward Street area at night) (Photo by Sharon Menzies)
BriCab6 Brisbane Taxis at airport in line (Photo by Sharon Menzies)
BruDaf2 Bruce Daffney (Melbourne cabbie)
BryBoo2 Federal Police harassing Alan "NAME SUPPRESSED" at Tullamarine Airport
CopTax2 Line of taxis at Copenhagen Airport (all are Mercedes Benz cars) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
CopTax4 Taxis at Copenhagen (all are Mercedes Benz cars) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
Crash2 From Nepean Highway crash (man suicided by jumping in front of the taxi)
Crash4 SE Freeway in rain.
Crash6 Punt Road off-duty cop.
Crash8 Rear of taxi Brunswick Street, Fitzroy crash.
Crotty2 Head of Crotty
Cullen2 John Cullen (Bent Victorian Policeman)
DarTax2 Line of people waiting for cabs at Darwin airport.
DMT2 DMT Officer at Mascot airport (Sydney)
DMT4 DMT Officer at Mascot airport (Sydney)
DMT6 Plain-clothed DMT Officers at Circular Quay, Sydney booking cabbies for multiple hiring.
Drivers2 Melbourne cabbies at Tullamarine Airport (waiting for fares) in terminal.
Drivers4 - Melbourne cabbies at Tullamarine Airport (waiting for fares) outside terminal.
FAC2 FAC officers (2) and cabbies (2) arm in arm at Tullamarine Airport, Melbourne a rare sight they are usually "enemies" and don't talk to one another.
FemTax2 Girl kissing cabbie at Flemington Racetrack, Melbourne (colour)
FemTax4 - Girl kissing cabbie at Flemington Racetrack, Melbourne (B/W)
Flea2 Flea van loading up fares at Mascot Airport, Sydney.
Flea4 Flea vans and taxis at Mascot airport, Sydney
Flea6 Flea van loading up fares at Mascot Airport, Sydney.
Flea8 Flea vans at Mascot airport, Sydney (Colour)
Gays2 Homosexual drag queens in their way-out clothes.
Gays4 Homosexual drag queens in their way-out clothes.
Gays6 Homosexual drag queens in their way-out clothes.
Gays8 Homosexual drag queens in their way-out clothes.
Girl1 Girl and man kissing in front of Sydney taxi at night (colour)
Girl2 Girl and man kissing in front of Sydney taxi at night (B/W)
Girl3 Girl and man kissing in front of Sydney taxi at night (colour)
Girl10 Girl and male taxi driver (in cab) kissing (Flemington Racetrack, Melbourne)
Girl2 Girl and man kissing in front of Sydney taxi at night (B/W)
Girl4 Girl and man kissing in front of Sydney taxi at night (B/W)
Girl6 Girl and male taxi driver (in cab) kissing (Flemington Racetrack, Melbourne)
Girl8 Girl and male taxi driver (in cab) kissing (Flemington Racetrack, Melbourne)
GouTax2 Line of taxis at Goulburn, NSW. daytime.
HorCab2 Horse and cart taxi in Melbourne city.
HosBry2 Raymond Hoser and Alan "NAME SUPPRESSED" outside the Ansett Airlines Terminal, Melbourne.
JakTax2 Jakarta Taxi (Pedal cab three wheeler)
LonCab2 London Taxi with Raymond Hoser standing next to it In Melbourne.
LonCab4 Red London Taxi in London.
LonCab6 London Cab dodging the red buses in London.
LonCaf2 London Cabbies Café.
MelTax10 Line of people at Flinder's Street Station taxi stand during the day waiting for a cab.
MelTax12 Two girls climbing into the boot of a taxi at Flinders Street Station taxi rank at night in front of a line of people waiting.
MelTax14 Line of empty cabs at the Ansett Taxi rank at Tullamarine Airport.
MelTax16 Line of taxis at Flinders Street Station at night.
MelTax18 Girl in boot of taxi at Spencer Street Station, Melbourne multiple hiring.
MelTax2 Alberto multiple hiring at the Southern Cross Hotel in Melbourne at night.
MelTax20 Line of people waiting for cabs at Flemington racetrack after the last race.
MelTax22 Man in boot of taxi in foyer at Regent Hotel, Melbourne.
MelTax24 White "Black" cab.
MelTax26 Line of cabs at the Australian Airlines rank at Tullamarine airport, Melbourne.
MelTax28 Line of Cabs outside ZuZu's nightclub, Melbourne.
MelTax30 People in boot of taxi at night in Melbourne.
MelTax4 FAC officers racing up to bust a taxi driver multiple-hiring at Tullamarine airport at night.
MelTax6 Taxi driver's at X-mas BBQ at Taxi Staffing, Richmond.
MelTax8 Line of people during the day waiting at Moonee Valley racecourse for cabs.
MelTra2 Tram/s in Melbourne.
MelTra4 Tram/s in Melbourne.
MelTra6 Tram/s in Melbourne.
MelTra8 Looking down Swanston Street at the trams zooming in at the War Memorial.
MetCab2 Metrocab (Melbourne) AKA London cab.
MulHir2 "NAME SUPPRESSED" Multiple-hiring at Spencer Street station.
Myer2 Myer Department store.
NZTax2 Wellington Taxis NZ.
OldArr2 Old Arrow Taxi (Melbourne)
Olsen2 George Olsen doing what he did best writing out a ticket for a taxi driver.
Olsen4 George Olsen telling passengers not to pay their fares.
OrTax2 Orlando, USA, Taxi (daytime) Yellow cab.
ParTax2 Taxi in Paris, France. (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
PolBoo2 Police booking Hoser (staged) Melbourne.
PolBoo4 Parking Cops booking taxi (staged) Melbourne.
Races2 Parking officials at Flemington racetrack (Melbourne)
RACV2 RACV Van fixing a broken down taxi at Tullamarine airport.
RobOne2 Rob O'Neil (Melbourne cabbie in disguise)
RogBow2 Roger Bowman (corrupt Vicroads officer).
Saunders2 Barrister David Saunders
SkyBus2 Skybus at Tullamarine airport, Melbourne.
SkySig2 Skybus sign at Tullamarine Airport.
SydFle2 Flea taxi in Sydney, at Mascot Airport.
SydNig2 Sydney by night (beams through buildings)
SydNig4 Sydney by night (straight skyline)
SydTax10 Line of people outside David Jones rank in the city.
SydTax12 Line of people at taxi rank at Kings Cross at night.
SydTax14 Line of waiting people at Australian airlines rank at Mascot airport.
SydTax16 People waiting for cabs at Circular Quay.
SydTax18 Line of people waiting for cabs at Central Railway, Sydney.
SydTax2 Multiple hiring at Sheraton Wentworth hotel, Sydney (touting)
SydTax20 Vege taxi (stretched car), Sydney.
SydTax22 Advertising taxi at St. James rank, Sydney.
SydTax4 Touting at Mascot airport (Ansett rank)
SydTax6 Cab pulling up at line of people at Mascot Airport, Sydney.
SydTax8 Line of people (and cabs) at Mascot Airport, Sydney.
AdTax10 - Multiple-hiring (touting) at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's eve 1994.
AdTax12 - Multiple-hiring (touting) at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's eve 1994.
AdTax14 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994.
AdTax16 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994.
AdTax18 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994.
AdTax2 Adelaide taxi during the day - 1994.
AdTax20 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with single taxi.
AdTax22 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with single taxi.
AdTax24 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with single taxi.
AdTax26 Multiple-hiring (touting) at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's eve 1994.
AdTax28 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with two taxis.
AdTax30 Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with two taxis.
AdTax32 - Adelaide taxi during the day - 1994.
Adtax34 Adelaide Police and Raymond Hoser.
AdTax4 - Adelaide taxi during the day 1994 (same driver as the one touting in the night pictures).
AdTax6 - Multiple-hiring (touting) at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's eve 1994
AdTax8 - Line of people at Adelaide taxi rank on New Year's Eve 1994 with two taxis.
AucCab2 Auckland NZ Taxi bus.
AucCab4 Auckland, NZ taxi with Raymond Hoser driving.
AucCab6 Auckland, NZ taxi with Raymond Hoser driving.
Birth2 Adelyn birth head coming out.
Birth4 Adelyn birth head full out - scissors visible.
Birth6 Adelyn birth Before coming out top of had only is visible.
BruDaf2 Bruce Daffney (Melbourne cabbie)
Cat2 Cat with broken leg.
Crash10 - From Nepean Highway crash (man suicided by jumping in front of the taxi)
Crash12 Major fatal car crash at Tailem Bend, SA.
Crash14 Major fatal car crash at Tailem Bend, SA.
CruSna2a Raymond Hoser and Tom Crutchfield's Albino Burmese Python.
DerAsh2 Derry Ashton.
Driver10 Melbourne cabbie.
Drivers10 Two Melbourne cabbies.
Fie2 Raymond and Fie nude.
Fie4 Fie nude.
Fiona2 Fiona Wrobell about to strip.
Fiona4 Fiona Wrobell stripping.
Fiona6 Fiona Wrobell stripping.
Fiona8 Fiona Wrobell about to strip.
Goodson2 Geoffrey Goodson's Vicroads car illegally parked.
Goodson4 Geoffrey Goodson's Vicroads car illegally parked.
Goodson6 Geoffrey Goodson harassing cabbies.
Goodson8 Geoffrey Goodson harassing cabbies.
Hawaii10 Raymond Hoser and taxis from Hawaii, USA.
Hawaii12 Raymond Hoser and taxis from Hawaii, USA.
Hawaii2 Raymond Hoser and taxis from Hawaii, USA.
Hawaii4 Taxis from Hawaii, USA at Honolulu airport.
Hawaii6 Taxi and driver at Honolulu airport, Hawaii, USA.
Hawaii8 Taxi and driver at Honolulu airport, Hawaii, USA.
HosStre2 Raymond Hoser and Michael Streeter.
JakTax10 Jakarta Taxi (motorized three-wheeler) (Bajaj) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
JakTax12 Jakarta Taxi (pedal powered three-wheeler) (Becak) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
JakTax14 Jakarta Taxi (horse and cart) (Delman) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
JakTax6 Motorized Three wheeler taxi in Jakarta. (Bajaj) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
JakTax8 Horse and cart taxi in Jakarta. (Delman) (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
LaTaxi2 green taxi at Venice Beach. LA, USA.
LonCab12 Black London taxi in London. (Photo by Name withheld on request)
LonCab14 Newer model of taxi in London (Metrocab) (Photo by Name withheld on request)
LonCab16 Blue coloured old-style of taxi in London. (Photo by Name withheld on request)
MelTax32 Multiple-hiring at Flinders Street Station, Melbourne after the footy.
MelTax34 Happy customers after a multiple-hiring standing in the foyer of the Regent Hotel, Melbourne.
Meltax36 Multiple-hiring (line of people one taxi) at Flemington racetrack, Melbourne.
Micro2 Micro-cassette player (RNZ-36).
OrCab4 Green taxi at Orlando airport.
RayHos22 Raymond Hoser in business shirt.
RayHos24 Raymond Hoser in collared shirt.
SydTax22 Taxi at St. James rank, Sydney, with large roof sign.
SydTax24 Line of people at rank at Mascot airport, Sydney (Ansett) with DMT woman at head of queue.
SydTax26 People getting into boot of taxi at Regent Hotel, Sydney at night.
SydTax28 Line of people at Australian airlines rank, Mascot. (no taxis in sight)
SydTax30 Line of people at Central railway no taxis.
SydTax32 People getting into boot of taxi at Regent Hotel, Sydney.
SydTax34 Sydney taxis in line at Internal Airport terminal.
SydTax36 Line of people at Australian airlines rank, Mascot, Sydney, (one taxi in shot).
SydTax38 Vacant taxis at Strathfield Station taxi rank.
VegVan2 Vegie van, Regal taxis, Melbourne.
ZurCab2 Taxis at Zurich, Switzerland. (Photographer is Floyd Mitchell)
AceElf2 Ace El-Fahkri (not for sale).
Bali2 Bali taxi (horse and cart style) (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
Bali4 Bali taxi (horse and cart style) (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
Bali6 Bali taxi (horse and cart style) (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
Bali8 Bali taxi (horse and cart style) (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
BretWin2 Police-protected criminal and Child molester Brett David Winduss.
Crotty21 Crotty head with tongue out.
DanElf2 Danny El-Fahkri (head only) (not for sale).
DanElf4 Danny El-Fahkri in front of his taxi. (not for sale).
DruPas2 Drunk "dead" taxi passenger.
Egypt2 Egyptian Cabs (horse and cart style) (Photo by Name withheld on request)
Egypt4 Egyptian cabs (Renault cars beaten up) (Photo by Name withheld on request)
ElfSig1 Danny El-Fahkri's signature. (not for sale).
Ellie2 Taxi mechanic, Ellie and Moses El-Fahkri.
GCTaxi2 Gold coast taxi rank, people in line, some cabs, Southport, Qld. (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
GCTaxi4 Gold coast taxi rank, people in line, some cabs, Southport, Qld. (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
GCTaxi6 Gold coast taxi rank, people in line, some cabs, Southport, Qld. (Photo by Catherine Matteo)
Meltax38 Girl kissing cabbie (in cab) at Flemington racetrack.
MelTax40 People sitting in boot of taxi at night at Flinders Street, Station.
MelTax42 Man in boot of taxi in foyer at Regent Hotel, Melbourne.
MelTax44 - Girl in boot of taxi at Spencer Street Station, Melbourne multiple hiring.
MelTax46 Man outside full taxi in foyer at Regent Hotel, Melbourne.
MelTax48 Line of people at Flemington racetrack no taxis.
MelTax50 Line of people at Flinders Street Station, no taxis.
MelTax52 Multiple hiring (people and taxis) at Spencer Street Station.
MelTax56 Line of taxis outside the Alfred Hospital, Prahran.
MerHal1 Girl murdered at Fawkner cemetery. (not for sale).
MosElf2 Moses El-Fahkri (not for sale).
MosElf4 Moses El-Fahkri. (not for sale).
NTTax10 Taxis at Wellington, NZ. (photo Michael Matthias)
OctFes2 Drunks waiting for cabs at the Oktober Fest, Melbourne.
OrTax4 Raymond Hoser and Orlando Taxi (yellow)
PerGal1 Percy Gale (AKA Galea) (taxi Driver gone missing) (not for sale).
Ray2 Ray taxi driver, Melbourne.
RayHos26 Raymond Hoser head, long hair, business shirt.
RayHos28 Raymond Hoser wearing north-suburban taxis uniform.
RayHos30 Raymond Hoser in singlet (head only).
Steve2 Steve Melbourne cabbie.
Streeter2 Michael Streeter.
SydTax42 Touting/multiple hiring at the Sheraton-Wentworth Hotel, Sydney.
SydTax44 Line of people at Sydney airport waiting for cabs (single taxi in photo) Ansett rank.
SydTax46 Line of people at Sydney airport waiting for cabs (single taxi in photo) Australian airlines rank.
SydTax48 Plain-clothed taxi officials busting cabbie for multiple-hiring at Circular Quay rank.
SydTax50 Plain-clothed taxi officials busting cabbie for multiple-hiring at Circular Quay rank.
Taxi1Fca Taxi (1) Front cover B/W Tif
Taxi2Fca Taxi (2) Front cover B/W Tif
TaxMon2 Taxi driver getting money from passenger.
Tessa2 Rottweiller Tessa in car.
ThuDov4 - Jane-Thurgood Dove, murdered woman. (not for sale).
ThuDov5 - Jane-Thurgood Dove, murdered woman (colour jpeg). (not for sale).
Tulla2 Contradictory signs at Australian airlines rank, Tullamarine Airport.
VicFle2 Fleaing at Flinders Street station rank, Melbourne, daytime.
Unless otherwise specified all are BW Tifs.
ACTCab6 ACT Taxis.
Aladal4 Alan Dale's grave (dead cabbie)
Arf1 Australian Reptiles and Frogs book (Low res. Image)
BasSta2 Books banned story (Fia Cumming in Sydney papers).
BasSto1 Books banned story (Fia Cumming in Sydney papers) better image.
BCD1-8 Murdered Black cabs driver (some colour, some B/W some as tifs and some as jpegs)
BenAdv1-8 Letter re Hoser's books (Bendigo Advertiser)
Bendi1 Letter re no cabs in Bendigo (new radio system)
BooB2 Books banned letter.
BooB3 - Books banned letter.
BulLet1 Bulletin letter re Hoser taxis.
CabOly1 Letter to Daily Telegraph re Taxis
Carli Carlo Carli MP (jpeg)
Carli - Carlo Carli MP
Carli2 Carlo Carli (MP)
CDCov2a CD Cover (Hoser Collection) (Jpeg)
CDCov2b CD Cover (Hoser Collection) BW
CDCover2 CD Cover (Hoser Collection)
Crash14 Taxi crash (Hoser) Cheltenham.
CumBan1 Books banned story (Fia Cumming)
DenNap1 Denis Napthine (Colour)
DenNap2 Denis Napthine (BW)
Eaa1 Low resolution image of EAA Book.
EmmSap1 Emmanuel Sapountzakis Dead cabbie.
EriFit1 Eric Fitzgibbon (MP) (jpeg)
EriFit1 Eric Fitzgibbon (MP) Colour
EriFit1 Eric Fitzgibbon (MP) (B/W)
EriFit1 Eric Fitzgibbon (MP) (B/W)
ExpBan1 Exposure Story re books ban.
Flea8a Flea taxis Sydney.
FleRac1 Line of taxi fares, Flemmington, Melbourne.
GCTaxi1-6 - Gold Coast taxis (Odd numbers in colour, Even in BW).
GeeAd1-2 Books banned story in Geelong Advertiser.
GreLef4 Dynamiting the cone of silence story in Green-Left Weekly.
Jacko1 and Jacko4 Adam Jacobs Taxi fare.
JohHig1 and JohHig4 John Higgs, Amphetamine trafficker.
KingsX Kings Cross taxi stand.
KirBan1 Letter from Kirby books re books banned.
Kog1 Dope plant Blue Background.
Kog2 Dope plant seedlings in tray.
Kog3 Dope plant leaves.
Kog4 Dope plants (large) in plastic pots.
Kog5 Destalked dope plant and mull.
Kog6 Mull.
Kog7 Dope heads.
Kog8 Dope heads.
Kog9 Kog and Dope/mull in a heap.
Kotsi1 Nick Kotsiras (MP) (jpeg)
Kotsi1 Nick Kotsiras (MP) Colour
Kotsi2 Nick Kotsiras (MP) B/W
Loney Peter Loney (MP) (jpeg)
Loney Peter Loney (MP) (Colour)
Loney1 Peter Loney (MP) (Colour)
Loney2 Peter Loney (MP) (BW)
Mast1 List of files on this CD (MS Word file)
MaeElf1 El-Fahkri Signature (Ace)
MaeElf2 El-Fahkri Signature (Mae)
MaeElf3 Moses El-Fahkri signature.
MaeElf4-6 El-Fahkri signatures.
MasAir1 Mascot airport taxi fares waiting.
MerHal1 Mersina Halvagis (murdered at Fawkner Cemetery) colour
MerHal1 Mersina Halvagis (murdered at Fawkner Cemetery) B/W
MoeTax4 Moe Taxi stand.
MooVal1 Moonee Valley races.
MVT1-3 Moonee Valley races.
Napthine Denis Napthine (MP) (Jpeg)
NPWS1 - jpeg letter from Jeff Hardy re Red-eared sliders
NPWS2 jpeg letter re NPWS and Bob Ekstein
NSWtc1 NSW Taxi Council Web page in colour
NSWtc2 - NSW Taxi Council Web page in B/W
NYCCom1 New York TLC Webpage (Colour)
NYCCom2 New York TLC Webpage (B/W)
NYCCom3 New York TLC Complaints Webpage (Colour)
NYCCom4 New York TLC Complaints Webpage (B/W)
OctFes6 Oktober Fest (Taxi stand) Melbourne.
OlyCab1 Olympics cabs finding them letter (Raymond Hoser)
OlyCab2 Olympics cabs finding them letter (Raymond Hoser) line from newspaper (date, etc)
PBR1 Princes Bridge Rank (at night)
Pythons Gordie Torr's Pythons book cover (colour jpeg)
Shad1-5 Murdered Cabbie Ronald Shadbolt.
SnapNe2-3 Poor quality B/W photos of taxi hold-up in USA.
SST1 Spencer Street Station (taxi stand)
StrBan1 Strategy newspaper masthead July 2000.
StrBan2 Strategy Newspaper article re illegal books ban July 2000 (1st part).
StrBan3 Strategy Newspaper article re illegal books ban July 2000 (2nd part).
StrBan4 Strategy Newspaper article re illegal books ban July 2000 (3rd part).
StrBan5 Strategy Newspaper article re illegal books ban August 2000.
StrBan6 Strategy newspaper masthead August 2000.
taxi1fc Taxi cover jpeg (Superseded)
taxi1fcS Taxi cover low res. Tif (Superseded)
TaxiD1-2 Taxi cover (Superseded)
TaxKil1 Police ID Photo of killer of Emmanuel Sapountzakis
Terry1 Taxi driver (Terry)
TexThe1-3 Raywood photo images of taxi theft (robbery with gun) in taxi in Texas.
TexThe4 News clipping/crime-stoppers re the above Texas taxi theft.
TexThe5 Raywood photo images of taxi theft (robbery with gun) in taxi in Texas.
TexThe6 Raywood photo image of taxi theft (robbery with gun) in taxi in Texas.
VTD4 Victorian Taxi Directorate Building North Melbourne.
Unless otherwise stated all are BW Tif images.
AAA121 AAA-12 Death Adder (Red)
Cab1 Letter to Age re taxis.
Coe3 Letter to papers re taxi violence before Coe's death.
coe6-7 Coe article in Taxi Call.
davrob1 David Robbie (Vicroads)
derash Derry Ashton (Vicroads)
goecra1 Geoff Craige MP
geools2 George Leonard Olsen (Vicroads)
HelAus1 Helioporous frog.
Johbre1 John Brentnell. (Vicroads)
Johper1 John Perry. (Vicroads)
Kensmi1 Ken Smith (MP)
Kle1 Kennett letter re Coe
Kle2 Kennett letter re Coe
Kle4 Kennett letter re Coe
Lenhod1 Len Hodgens (Vicroads)
Melcup1 Line of people waiting for cabs at Melbourne cup.
Microt1 Micro tapes (in pile).
Nem1-6 Nemesis article re banned books.
Nem7 - Nemsis front cover
Petbil1 Peter Billings, Barrister. (Vicroads)
Petcoe1 Peter Coe dead cabbie.
Rogbow1-2 Roger Bowman (Vicroads)
SatSur1 Dead Cabbie, Satpal Suri.
SydTax12A Sydney taxis.
Taxcal1-3 Taxi Call magazine covers.
Taxi1FC Taxi Front cover (colour)
Taxi2FC Taxi-2 Front cover (colour)
Taxlin2 Line at Moonee Valley trots.
TaxLin3 Line at Melbourne airport.
tca1 Taxi Call banned article.
teroke1 Terry O'Keefe (Vicroads)
WesHea1 West Head Road.
Mary-Anne Martinek Drawings (In the folder "Major"):
The placements given are approximate only, unless preceded by an "X" in which case they are accurate.
Major1-62 - Various Martinek Drawings of excellent quality. See the book for details.
E-mail us on
if you have further queries.

Meanwhile we at are now
also offering for sale for commercial purposes and publication our quality
photos of Australian reptiles and frogs. Included are all the photos used
in Raymond Hoser's book Australian Reptiles and Frogs
published in 1989. That book alone contains over 600 high quality colour
photos of most of the well-known Australian herpetofauna.
We also have thousands of other reptile
and other wildlife photos available for sale from our archives. This includes
most of the well-known species of reptile and frog from outside Australia,
including the major species of pythons, etc. If it doesn't appear on our
list/s, then please contact us (preferably via phone or email) with your
needs and wants. We will probably have what you want, or be able to tell
you where to get it. In other words we have spectacular photos of snakes,
lizards, frogs and so on, including "action" shots of things
such as feeding, mating, etc.
We usually ship the photos on CD-ROM
(usually immediately upon order) in v-high resolution and in any desired
format (tiff, bitmaps, etc). We can e-mail low resolution copies/samples
before you decide to go ahead with a purchase. Rates are dependent on the
desired publication (print run, circulation, etc), but are highly competitive.
Click here for
a listing of some of our elapid (venomous snakes) photos in our archives:
Click here for
a listing of some of our python photos in our archives:
Publishing are also offering all the photos from the books Taxi,
Taxi-2 and The Hoser Files for
sale for reproduction along with most photos from their other corruption
titles. We are also offering for sale numerous other unpublished taxi and
crime-related photos from our archives.
E-mail us on
if you have further queries.
Click here for
a listing of some of our corruption-related photos in our archives: