(Corrupt or adverse references and names included below)
(also refer to the notes at the end of this alphabetical list)
Corrupt/or adverse mention ADAMS, Hugh Francis Patrick -Deputy Chief Magistrate, resigned three weeks after the release of this book in June 1995.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ADDISON, Suzanne - Premier’s Department (Joan Kirner) Secretary.
Not adversely named ALBURY, Wayne Thomas - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ALLISTON, Gordon - VicRoads Enforcement Branch Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ALMARAK - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named ALSTON, Richard (MP) - Deputy Opposition Leader in Federal Senate.
Not adversely named ARCHER, John - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Not adversely named ARDEN, Douglas - Lawyer, Legal Aid Commission.
Not adversely named ARMSTRONG, Graeme - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ARNOLD, Ray - Vicroads Enforcement Branch Officer
Corrupt/or adverse mention ASHTON, Derry Allan - VicRoads Enforcement Branch Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BAILEY, Geoffrey - Police, Sergeant.
Not adversely named BAKER, Sally Elizabeth - Taxi passenger, friend of fare evader O’Shannessy.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BALMFORD, Rosemary - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BARBARIO, Raffaele - Magistrate.
Not adversely named BARDEN, David - Melbourne Magistrates’ Court, clerk.
Not adversely named BARNETT, Brian - Reptile keeper.
Not adversely named BARNETT - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BARROW, Brian - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BATT, Edwin Charles - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BAXTER, William (MP) -Minister for Ports and Roads from 3 October 1992.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BAYSHAM, Ian - Police, Internal Investigations.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BEASELY, Grant Roy - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BEASELY, Ronald - Victorian Government Solicitor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BECKINGHAM, Robert - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named BELL, Peter Keith - VicRoads Manager.
Not adversely named BENNETT, John - Legal Aid Commission.
Not adversely named BENNETT, Lorraine - VicRoads, clerk.
Not adversely named BENNETT, Steven - Friend of the author.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BENNETT - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BILLINGS, Peter - Barrister, representing VicRoads.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BINGLEY, Ross Allen - Police, Constable then Detective Senior Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BISHOP, John - Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BLASHKI, Susan - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BOLSTER, John Douglas - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BONGIORNO, Bernard - Director of Public Prosecutions.
Not adversely named BOTTOM, Bob - Investigative journalist, publisher of Insight.
Not adversely named BOWLE, David - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BOWMAN, Roger - VicRoads Enforcement Branch Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BOWMAN, Stephen - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BRERETON, Dermott Senior - Taxi driver; convicted rapist.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BRETHERTON, Judy - Judge, Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BRADY, John - Ex-police (witness in "NAME SUPPRESSED" case).
Corrupt/or adverse mention BRENTNALL, John - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named BROBELL - Police, Senior Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BROOKE, Kenneth John - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BROWN, Alan John (MP) - Transport Minister 1992-94.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BROWN, Sally Elizabeth - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BROWN, Stuart James - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named "NAME SUPPRESSED", Alan Anthony - Taxi driver.
Not adversely named BUCKLEY, John - Solicitor, Department of Public Prosecutions.
Not adversely named BURKE, Desmond - Taxi driver.
Corrupt/or adverse mention BUTTERFIELD, Mark Harrison - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named BYRNES, Megan - Credit Reference Association of Australia, official.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CAIN, John - Former State Premier.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CAIRNS, Barry - Alleged friend of Derry Ashton.
Not adversely named CARBOON, Robert - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CARSON - Police, Inspector.
Not adversely named CATALANO, Antony - Journalist with Herald Sun, then Age.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CAUSER - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CEMM, Michael D - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named CHAPMAN, Phillip - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CIACCA, Vac - Police, Senior Constable, Police Prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CLIFFORD - Magistrate.
Not adversely named CLOTHIER, Peter Charles - Magistrate.
Not adversely named CLUTTERBUCK, Colin - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named COBURN, Bernard J. - Magistrate.
Not adversely named COLDREY, John - Barrister (QC) for Director of Public Prosecutions.
Corrupt/or adverse mention COLEU - Police, Acting Senior Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention COMRIE, Neil - Police, Commissioner (from end 1992).
Corrupt/or adverse mention CONNELL, John Raymond - VicRoads Deputy Solicitor, Common Law.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CONNELLY - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named CONROY, Paul - Journalist, the Age.
Corrupt/or adverse mention COOKSON - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Not adversely named COONEY, Barney (MP) - Federal Member for Carlton.
Not adversely named CORNELL, Eddie Paul - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Not adversely named COWMAN, Shane Leslie - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CRAPPER, Leon - Manager, Silvertop Taxis.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CRAPPER, Noel - Manager, Silvertop Taxis.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CROFT, Jamie - Transport Department (Peter Spyker), Ministerial adviser.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CROSBY, Darren - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CROSSLEY, C. R. G. - Judge, County Court.
Not adversely named CROWE, Roger - Ombudsman’s Department.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CULLEN, Jock - Police.
Not adversely named CUMMING, Fia - Journalist, Herald Sun.
Corrupt/or adverse mention CURTAIN - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DAFFEY, Kevin John - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DAVIES, Daryl - Barrister.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DEANSHAW - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named DECKKER, A. N. - VicRoads, Manager Licence Services.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DENDRINOS, Stathis - Taxi manager.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DESSAU, Linda Marion - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DOBSON - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DOCKING, Barry Francis - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DONNELLY - Police, prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DOSSER, Fred - Federal Airports Corporation Manager.
Not adversely named DOWD, John - Attorney-General, New South Wales.
Not adversely named DOUGLAS, Andrew - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named DRENKHAHN, Geoffrey - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DUGDALE, John Philip - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DUGGAN, James T. - County Court Judge.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DUNCAN, Maurice Colin - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DUNN, B G - Police, Inspector in Internal Investigations Section.
Corrupt/or adverse mention DUNNE, Emmett - Police prosecutor; Sergeant.
Not adversely named ECONOMOU, Pam - Secretary, insurance company.
Corrupt/or adverse mention EDWARDS, B - Ombudsman’s Department.
Not adversely named ELEIDES - Police, Senior Constable (Police Prosecutor).
Not adversely named EL-FAHKRI, Acron - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named EL-FAHKRI, Danny - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named EL-FAHKRI, Moses - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named ELLERAY, Joy - Barrister.
Not adversely named ELLIS, Garry - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ELLWOOD, D - Barrister, acting for DPP/Police.
Not adversely named ELSTIN, Wayne - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FAHEY, Gavin - Police witness.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FALCONER, Robert - WA Police Commissioner, Formerly head IID Victoria.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FARLEY, Peter - VicRoads, Deputy Solicitor.
Not adversely named FELTON, Judith - Springvale Magistrates’ Court, Clerk.
Not adversely named FITZGERALD, G E - Royal Commissioner (Queensland).
Corrupt/or adverse mention FITZ-GERALD, Julian Francis - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FLEMMING - Ombudsman’s Department.
Not adversely named FORD, Cathleen - Solicitor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FORD, Daryl Keith - VicRoads, Clerk.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FOSTER, Craig - Police, Prosecutor.
Not adversely named FRAME, John - Police, Deputy Commissioner.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FRANCIS, I R - Police, Chief Superintendent, Internal Investigations Section.
Corrupt/or adverse mention FRANKS - Police, Sergeant.
Not adversely named FROST, Peter - Bureaucrat, Premier’s Department (Jeff Kennett).
Not adversely named GALLUS, Christine (MP) - Federal Shadow Minister for Environment.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GESCHKE, Norman - Chief Executive, Ombudsman.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GINNANE - Barrister, Victorian Government Solicitor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GLARE, Kelvin - Police Commissioner (to end 1992), Head FBIS.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GLARE, Philip Joseph -Police officer, believed to be the brother of Kel Glare.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GOLDEN, Graeme Angus - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GORDON, Steven - Aboriginal Commissioner (ATSIC/NSW); taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GOODSON, Geoffrey - VicRoads, Enforcement Branch
Not adversely named GRANGER, Noel - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named GRASSWILL, Helen - Journalist, ABC TV.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GREEN, W. Frank - Police, Assistant Commissioner.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GUINEA - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named GULLY, Richard - author’s neighbour.
Corrupt/or adverse mention GURVICH, Maurice - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HAY, Geoffrey, Sylvester - Taxi passenger.
Not adversely named HAY,Trevor - University lecturer; assault victim.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HALL, Ian Charles - Federal Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HALL - Police, Senior Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HAMILTON - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HANLEY, J - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HANLON, J. R. - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HARDIMAN, Brian Kenneth - Ombudsman’s Department.
N HARRIS, C. W. - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HART - Taxi fare evader.
Not adversely named HARTCHER, Christopher (MP) - Environment Minister (NSW).
Not adversely named HARTIGAN, William Anthony (MP) - State Member for Geelong
Corrupt/or adverse mention HARVEY - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Not adversely named HEARN, Bruce - VicRoads, bureaucrat.
Not adversely named HENDRIX, Chris - Taxi driver.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HERBERT - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HIGGINS, Paul William - Police officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HILDER, Stan - CEO, Silver Top Taxis.
Not adversely named HILL, Richard - Businessman.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HILL - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HOARE, Geoffrey - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HOARE - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HODGENS, Len - VicRoads, Chief Inspector, Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named HODGSON, Andrew - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HOLMES, David - VicRoads, Freedom of Information Officer.
Not adversely named HOSER, Katrina Joan - Author’s mother; psychologist.
Not adversely named HOSER, Lenard Donald - Author’s father; former businessman.
Not adversely named HOSER, Philip Jacob - Author’s brother; lawyer.
Not adversely named HOSER, Raymond Terrence - Author; taxi driver; zoologist.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HOWARD, Arnold, B - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention HUNTINGTON - Police, Senior Constable, Prosecutor.
Not adversely named HURLEY, Thomas - Barrister for VicRoads.
Corrupt/or adverse mention JACKSON, Glynnis - Clerk of Courts.
Corrupt/or adverse mention JACOBS - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention JAMES, Joanne Rose - Taxi fare evader.
Not adversely named JAMES, Taffy - Police, Inspector.
Corrupt/or adverse mention JOHNSON, Frank - Police, Inspector.
N JOHNSTONE, Ian - VicRoads, Director Registration and Licences (to late 1989).
Not adversely named JOHNSTONE, Shane - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention JORDAN, Colin - VicRoads CEO (from 1993).
Corrupt/or adverse mention JOYCE - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention* KEATING, Leo Martin - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KEEL, Glen - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KEENAN, Russell - Taxi fare evader.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KELLY - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KENNAN, Jim (MP) - Attorney-General, 1991.
Not adversely named KENNEDY, Jeffrey Lindsay - VicRoads Enforcement Branch Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention* KENNETT, Jeffrey Gibb (MP) -Premier of Victoria from 3 October 1992.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KIMM, Mervyn, C. - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KING, John B - Transport Ministry, Director General (under Spyker).
Corrupt/or adverse mention KIRNER, Joan Elizabeth (MP) - State Premier 1990-October 1992.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KLESDADT, Jonathon - Magistrate.
Not adversely named KNIGHT, Michael - Lawyer, Department of Public Prosecutions.
Not adversely named KRASSEY, Lou - Taxi owner.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KROENERT - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention KUMAR, Robert Krishnan Ashok - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LAMB, Geoff - Former brothel king.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LAMBERT, Rod G. - Police, Superintendent, Internal Investigations Section.
Not adversely named LAMONT, Leonie - Journalist, Herald Sun.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LAPIROW, Mark - Barrister, VicRoads
Not adversely named LAROCCA, Vincent - Taxi owner/manager.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LAURITSON, Peter - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LEA, David (MP) - State Member for Sandringham.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LEE, Tony S - VicRoads, Lawyer.
Not adversely named LEES, Meg (MP) - Federal Leader of Democrats.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LESLIE, Michael B - Taxi fare evader.
Not adversely named LEWER, W J - Magistrate (New South Wales)
Corrupt/or adverse mention LEWIS, Gordon D. - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LEWIS, Russell Patrick Llewellyn - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention LUKAITIS, Peter - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MAHER, Barry John - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MAHER, John - Police, Transit Patrol.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MALLIARAS, Peter - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MARASCO - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mentionMARLES, Fay - Arbitrator (1991), former head of Equal Opportunity Commission.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MARTIN - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MATHESON, Elizabeth - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named MAURO, Leo - Taxi owner.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MAXWELL - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MAY, Rodney - Party gatecrasher.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MAY, Ricky - Party gatecrasher.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McALLISTAR, Reginald John - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McRAE, Findlay - Clerk of Courts.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McDONALD K J - Police, Internal Investigations Section, Chief Superintendent.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McKEE, Dianne - Police witness.
Not adversely named McKENZIE, Glenn - VicRoads, bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McKEON - Police, Police Prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McNAMARA, Patrick (MP) - Minister for Police
Not adversely named McNICHOL, John - Former President, Whistleblowers Australia Inc.
Not adversely named McQUILLAN, Michael - VicRoads official.
Corrupt/or adverse mention McSOLVIN, John R - Freedom of Information Officer, Victoria Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MEALY Peter Harry - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MEDDINGS, Darren - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MEEHAN, Russell J - Lawyer, Victorian Government Solicitor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MILLER, Alec - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Not adversely named MILLER, Michael (Mick) - Police (former Chief Commissioner).
Not adversely named MILNE, Robert - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MILNER, Bradley Mark - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MIMO - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MONCRIEF, Peter - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MONK - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention MOREHEAD, Richard - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention NASH, Heather - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention NEESHAM, Thomas A. - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention NEVITT - Police, Detective Inspector, Internal Investigations Section.
Not adversely named NOONE, David - Friend of author.
Not adversely named NORMAN, Bradley - Clerk, Melbourne Magistrates’ Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’BRIEN, James - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’BRIEN - Police, Prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’DAY, William - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention OGNEW, George - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’KEEFE, Terrence - Clerk of Court, then VicRoads, then Manager Taxi Directorate.
Not adversely named OLDFIELD, Barbara - Police (retired 1990).
Corrupt/or adverse mention OLSEN, George Leonard - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’SHANNESSY, Margaret (Maggie) Ellen - Mother of professional taxi fare evader.
Corrupt/or adverse mention O’SHANNESSY, Phillipa - Habitual taxi fare evader.
Not adversely named O’SHEA, J. R. - Judge, County Court.
Not adversely named O’SULLIVAN, David - VicRoads, Director Registration and Licences (1989-91).
Corrupt/or adverse mention OWEN, Glen Matthew - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named PADILLA, Maria - Secretary, NSW Attorney-General.
Not adversely named PATTERSON, Andrew - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PATTERSON, Reginald - VicRoads, Chief Executive 1990-93.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PARKER, Joanne - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named PARKER, Steven Avison - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named PARSONS, Steven - Clerk, Melbourne Magistrates’ Court.
Not adversely named PASCUZZI, Mario - Former bank manager, ANZ Bank.
Not adversely named PATRESE, Ricardo - Formula 1 driver; taxi passenger.
Not adversely named PATTERSON, Greg - Police, Constable.
N PATTERSON, John Girek - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PAYNE, Marion - Manager, Arrow Taxis, formerly Victoria Police.
Not adversely named PEGLER, Timothy - Journalist, the Age.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PERRIN, David John (MP) - State Member for Bulleen.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PERRY, Barry William - Deputy Ombudsman, Police Complaints.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PERRY, John William - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PERTON, Victor John (MP) - State Member for Doncaster.
Not adversely named PIERSON, Charles - Publisher.
Not adversely named PIMM - Commissioner, State Industrial Relations Commission.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PINGO, Andrew - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Not adversely named PIPER, Ben - Lawyer, Fitzroy Legal Service and State Attorney-General’s Department.
Corrupt/or adverse mention POGARI, Italo (Joe) - VicRoads, Assistant Manager.
Corrupt/or adverse mention POLLARD, Martin Anthony - VicRoads, head of legal section.
Not adversely named POPOVIC, Juvena - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PORTEGLOU, Michael - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention PROUST, Elizabeth - Bureaucrat, Attorney-General’s Department and elsewhere.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RAINEY - Police, Senior Constable.
Not adversely named RALEIGH - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RAMMAGE, Michael - Lawyer, Legal Aid Commission.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RANDLES, Peter - Lawyer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RAVECH, Martin - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention REEK, Police, Protective Services Officer.
Not adversely named REID, Peter Wilkinson - Medical practitioner (GP)
Corrupt/or adverse mention RENDIT, P. U. - Judge, County Court.
Not adversely named REVIS, George - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named REVIS, Tas - Taxi owner/manager.
Not adversely named ROBERTS, Richard - Clerk, Magistrates’ Courts.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ROBBY, David - VicRoads, solicitor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ROBINSON, Darren Ian - Taxi fare evader.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RODDA, Philip John - Magistrate.
Not adversely named ROGERS, Ian - VicRoads, Bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ROUX, Michael - VicRoads, former Chief Executive.
Corrupt/or adverse mention ROY, Ian, - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RUSSELL, Joanne - Taxi passenger.
Not adversely named RUSSELL, Scott - VicRoads, Clerk.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RYAN, P. F. - Police, Chief Superintendent, Internal Investigations Section.
Corrupt/or adverse mention RYAN - Police, Sergeant, Police Prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SACH, Neil - former VicRoads bureaucrat, now Victorian Taxi Association.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SANDON, Malcolm (MP) - Minister for Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SAUNDERS, - Barrister, prosecuting for DPP/Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SCHOFIELD, Peter - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SCHUEY, Ray N. - Police, Inspector.
Not adversely named SCRIGEL, Michael - Victim of corruption.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SEEL - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named SEITZ, George (MP) - State Member for Keilor.
Not adversely named SELBY, Hugh - Lawyer.
Not adversely named SEVELSON, Jules - Friend of author.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SHALDERS, John Richard - VicRoads Enforcement Branch.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SHARKIE, Craig Stuart - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named SHEA, Kevin - Ministerial Adviser to Bill Baxter 1992-94.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SHEARER, Laurie J - Police, police prosecutor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SHEPHERD - Police.
Not adversely named SIBBER, Shaula - former flatmate of Len Hoser.
Not adversely named SIMONS, Margaret - Journalist, the Age.
Not adversely named SKINNER, Mark - Official Court Recorder (Spark and Cannon).
Corrupt/or adverse mention SMITH, A F - Judge (President) Administrative Appeals Tribunal.
Not adversely named SMITH, Kenneth Maurice (MP) - Head of State Crime Prevention Committee, 1993.
Not adversely named SMITH, Martin Leo - Solicitor, Herbert, Geer and Rundle.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SMITH, Neddy - Convicted criminal (New South Wales).
Corrupt/or adverse mention SMITH, Wayne - Alleged friend of Derry Ashton.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SPENCE, Joan - Police, Sergeant.
Not adversely named SPENCER, Phil (JP) - Victim of police misconduct.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SPILLANE, Alan John - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention SPYKER, Peter (MP) - Minister for Transport, 1990-92.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STAFFERTON - Police, Sergeant.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STANTON - Police, Protective Services Officer.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STENBERGER, Brigitte - Taxi fare evader.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STONEY, Ian - VicRoads, Chief Executive to 1990.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STONEHAM, Robert - Lawyer, VicRoads.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STOREY - Police, Inspector.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STOTT - Judge, County Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention STRANG, Paul John -Police officer.
Not adversely named STREETER, Michael - Taxi driver.
Not adversely named SUICH, Ron - former mortgagee of Raymond Hoser’s house.
Not adversely named TABBER, Carol - Vicroads, legal staff.
Corrupt/or adverse mention TADIC, Michael - Stolen car dealer.
Not adversely named TEPPET, Craig - Police, Senior Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention TIERNEY, Genevieve - Taxi fare evader.
Corrupt/or adverse mention THOMPSON, Murray (MP) - State Member for Sandringham.
Corrupt/or adverse mention THOMPSON - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention TIPPING, Melanie Jane - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention TODARO, Tom - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Not adversely named TOBIN, Jack - Magistrate.
Not adversely named TRAPNELL, Doug - Barrister.
Corrupt/or adverse mention VALENTINE, Richard George - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention VAN VEEN, Jason - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named VAZQUEZ, Faust - Taxi driver.
Not adversely named VINEN, H - Witness against police.
Not adversely named VINEN, I - Witness against police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WADE, Jan Louise Murray (MP) -Attorney-General from 3 October 1992.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WALSH, Kevin James - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WARNECKE - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WARNER, Nicole - Police, Senior Constable.
Not adversely named WARREN, Colin - VicRoads Enforcement Branch
Corrupt/or adverse mention WARREN, Michael - Federal Police.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WARREN, Anthony James - Police, Internal Investigations Section.
Not adversely named WEEGBERG, Keith - VicRoads bureaucrat.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WEST, Iain - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WEST, Terrence - Police, Constable.
Not adversely named WHEELAN, Howard - Taxi passenger.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WHEELER - Master, Supreme Court.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WHITE, R - Magistrate.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WHITE, Stephen Darren - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WILKINSON, John Henry - Magistrate.
Not adversely named WILLIAMS, Ian - VicRoads, Prosecutions Manager.
Not adversely named WILSON - VicRoads official.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WINDUSS, David - Police protected child molestor.
Corrupt/or adverse mention WOOD, Aaron, Jay - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention YATES - Police, Sergeant.
Not adversely named YOUNG, Ken - Springvale Magistrates’ Court, Clerk.
Corrupt/or adverse mention YOUNG, Barry - Police, Constable.
Corrupt/or adverse mention YOUNG - Police, Senior Constable.
Not adversely named ZAGOULIS, Nicholas - Director Arrow Taxis.
Some names are preceded by a notation that they are adversely named. Having said this, the indication here does not always denote actual criminal or otherwise illegal conduct by the person named (although in most cases those persons above prefixed by this notation are in fact are guilty of such and often quite heinous crimes at that). The adverse notation may also denote actively aiding and abetting of criminal activity by others by various means. Refer also to the definitions of "Corrupt" in the books "Victoria Police Corruption" and "Victoria Police Corruption - 2", which also apply here.
Some people listed above are prefixed by a notation that they are not adversely named in this book. In this context they are not adversely named or referred to. However such a reference, particularly when referred to law-enforcement personnel, should not be taken to mean that they are not corrupt or "straight", but rather within the limited confines of these inquiries and this book only, have not been substantially indicated otherwise.
The Positions given for each individual is usually either in the context they appear in within the book/s and/or their current position. Unless otherwise stated 'Police' are Victoria Police. Numbers in brackets , simply refers to the fact that their names appear in this book, as opposed to other lists of names relevant to other Hoser corruption books.
Only by reading this book/s ("The Hoser Files"), will the exact reference to a given person be accurately indicated.
*Also referred to adversely or as corrupt in Smuggled or Smuggled-2, by Raymond Hoser.
*Names lists for those books are not included here, but are substantial.
The Hoser Files then details corruption in the law courts, Ombudsman's
office and elsewhere in the state of Victoria, Australia. Officially the government denies the existence of such conduct and vilifies those who dare produce evidence to the contrary. Corruption in these areas is essential to the maintenance
of corrupt practices within the Victoria Police and other areas of government. Police corruption is not
just some academic study. It is a serious problem. Police corruption shatters and destroys the lives of countless innocent people.
Since publication of The Hoser Files, Raymond Hoser has published
two more books detailing corruption within the Victoria Police. Victoria
Police Corruption is the most detailed summary of Police corruption
(anywhere) published to date. Unlike The Hoser Files, this 736 page
book does not detail matters involving or affecting the author. The book
details police officers controlling the drug trade, murders, thefts, set-ups,
assaults, pedophile police, police raping citizens, Maryborough rapes,
the Denis Tanner murder/s, mass strip-searches, drink driving cops, political
corruption, allegedly bent commissioners (specific case information), sex
scandals, money laundering and much more.
Victoria Police Corruption - 2 is an 800 page book published
at the same time as Victoria Police Corruption. It details Police
corruption matters not detailed in The Hoser Files or Victoria
Police Corruption. Matters covered in Victoria
Police Corruption - 2 include corrupt judges and magistrates
including those who rape kids, prisons, set-ups, more criminal activity
by Police and much more.
To search the entire contents of The Hoser Files, or other corruption
titles, please click here.
To order The Hoser Files, or other corruption
titles, please click here. 

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Urgent inquiries phone:
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia:
(03) 9812 3322 or 0412 777 211