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Snake plague update - Mother snake found in Melbourne factory

Media release dated 4 March 2003

Melbourne Snakebusters have just identified a 3 foot, three inch Tiger Snake as the mother of the 12 young found so far in the Kagan Brothers factory warehouse in Pipe Road, Laverton North.

The smaller snakes were part of a litter born in the factory last week.

The female was accidentally killed by a factory worker.

As Tiger Snakes usually have from 20-40 young, it's thought more young snakes may be lurking in the factory, even though in this case the female was at the smaller end of the size range.

Tiger Snakes are responsible for about 40% of all snakebite deaths in Australia.

February/March is when most snakes in Melbourne have babies and hence snake sightings tend to spike somewhat at this time of year.

The best way to avoid snakebite it to avoid snakes. If you see one, walk the other way.

If a snake is seen in a built-up area where kids or pets are at risk, then it's best to call a licenced snake catcher.

It's illegal to kill snakes and most bites occur when inexperienced people try to catch or kill snakes.

Two other snake stories have been in the news this week.

Also in Melbourne quarantine and wildlife officials recovered a parcel containing two American Rattlesnakes smuggled in from Sweden.

It had been posted to Australia.

In Sydney, well-known snake breeder Shane Scarff had several valuable Australian Pythons stolen from his Liverpool facility.

The thieves made a false call to his home and got him to leave the house, whereupon the thieves entered and ransacked the house and took snakes and other valuables.

It's likely that the snakes will be sent overseas (illegally) as they are probably unsaleable in Australia due to the fact that they'd be readily recognized as the snakes belonging to Scarff.

This is the latest of several thefts of collections in recent times, including a major theft in Darwin of another breeder's collection.

For further details, photos, etc, go to:
or phone: 0412 777 211

Snake plague hits Melbourne factory

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