GILBERT'S DRAGON Lophognathus gilberti Gray, 1842
This 40 cm lizard is common throughout the northern third of Australia.
The colour varies from grey to brown or reddish. Although found in a wide range of habitats this lizard is usually found in association with water courses. A very agile species, it usually takes to a tree when disturbed. If disturbed in an open area, this lizard will run on it's two hind legs at very high speed.
It feeds principally on insects.
Males have a more distinct pattern than females, and are usually the larger sex.
An egg layer, although nothing is known of the breeding biology of this lizard.
The above was from the book Australian Reptiles and Frogs by Raymond Hoser and now available on a fantastic CD-Rom along with a vast amount of other information, papers and the like on reptiles, frogs and other wildlife.